Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

As you can see, I haven't been very faithful in keeping my blog updated.  And in all honestly, I probably won't do any better than what I'm doing now- I just don't have the time unless I drink lots of Dr. Pepper and blog really, really late at night.  I have been working on my resolutions for 2011 and thought if I posted them, I might have a better chance at actually following through this year.  I decided to focus on a few specific goals in different areas in my life instead of my normal mile long list of resolutions I've tend to come up with in the past.

1. Personal Goal: Workout 3 times a week. 
We got a family YMCA pass, so I figured I better get my money's worth.  I haven't done too bad so far.  I am really enjoying our Friday family night at the Y.  We are trying to meet up with my sister-in-law's family every other Friday night for swimming and working out.  The kids enjoy swimming and playing with their cousins while the parents take turns working out in the awesome workout facility that overlooks the pool. 

2. Marriage Goal: Date my husband twice a month without the kids. 
There was an awesome article in our paper about "Resolving to be a better parent" by John Rosemond.  One of the points he drives home is taking time to be actually be a couple for the sake of your marriage but to also show your children that the "world does not revolve around them".  Kip and I are finally ponying up some money for a babysitter so that we can enjoy some much needed time together.  We have one more week to squeeze in our final date for January.

3. Business Goal: Update my books weekly.  I'll let you in on a little secret... I am terrible at keeping all of my books updated electronically.  I file all of my receipts and have all of my sales written down.  But, I go months before I transfer all the data to my computer.  This drives my poor husband insane.  I am slowly getting more organized and setting a few minutes aside each week to input all of my invoices and receipts.  What can I say?  I'm a full time mom and part time business owner. 

4. Just for Fun Goal: Make a new chocolate cake recipe each month.  Cooking seems to be a popular resolution/goal since the movie "Julia and Julie" hit the big screen.  Chocolate cake is a treat that my sister-in-law Stephanie both enjoy.  But, it can't just be any old chocolate cake.  We like really good, rich, moist chocolate cake.  A few years ago, we sorta joked about searching for the best piece of chocolate cake whether it be from a bakery or a homemade recipe. Anyways, I thought I finally start searching.

So there you have it.  If anyone has any great recipes for chocolate cake, please let me know. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Holidays from the Davis Family

20 Random Things about the Davis Family
1.       Kristyn won 1st place for best entrée in a cook-off.  (Tyler Florence’s Meatloaf)
2.       Kaitlyn lost 3 teeth over Thanksgiving break.
3.       Our family visited Redfish Lake/Lodge in Stanley, ID for the first time.
4.       Kya went on her first plane trip to South Carolina this summer.
5.       Kip flew to Greenville, SC for a week of training last spring.
6.       Kip attended all of the BSU home football games, plus the Fiesta Bowl last January.
7.       Kya has some pretty sweet dance moves and loves dancing to “Cotton Eyed Joe”. 
8.       Kaitlyn is learning to read in 1st grade this year.
9.       Kristyn started a family blog “Peg Street Place”. (
10.   Kip’s fast pitch team (The Riverdogs) played in 2 national tournaments this summer.  One in Oregon and the other in Iowa.
11.   Kya’s favorite Christmas present was a set of keys on her very own keychain.
12.   Kaitlyn took ballet lessons, swim lessons, and played Tee ball this year.
13.   Kristyn organized a book club this year and loves it.  Her favorite book for 2010 was “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant.
14.   Our family enjoyed a beautiful, peaceful Christmas in Mud Lake, ID with Kip’s side of the family.
15.   Kya’s favorite foods are pita bread and hummus.
16.   Kaitlyn learned to ride her bike this spring.
17.   Kip still works for the radiology department at the VAMC.
18.   Kristyn is the room parent for Kaitlyn’s 1st grade class.
19.   Kaitlyn is our little artist.  She loves to draw, color, dance, sing, and write stories.
20.   We are wishing everyone peace and happiness for 2011. 

Happy Holidays,                                                         
Kip, Kristyn, Kaitlyn, and Kya Davis

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Latest Read: "Triumph" by Carolyn Jessop

In May, my book club read "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop-a former member of the FLDS cult and the 5th wife of Merril Jessop, a high ranking leader in the cult.  "Escape" is the story of her life living in this polygamy community and then later finding the courage to escape with all of her eight children in tow.  I love reading about true stories.  This is definitely a book that will put you on edge as you read about the abuse and obstacles she endured and eventually overcome.  I finished it over a weekend- because it was giving me anxiety.  I couldn't wait to see how her story ended.

Last night, I finished "Triumph" by Carolyn Jessop- the sequel to "Escape".  In this book, she addresses the raid on the YFZ Ranch in El Dorado, TX.  She discusses at length the problems that UT, AZ, and TX face in trying to fight and prosecute the FLDS church.  It was disturbing to read about the abuse and neglect so many of these women and children have suffered.  It amazes me that we basically have our own little "Taliban" here on our US soil and we haven't been very successful in fighting it.  The FLDS are the largest polygamist cult and they also seem to be the most severe in their beliefs and practices.

In the second part of her book, Carolyn reflects back on the moments in her life that were the stepping stones that lead to her eventual escape from the FLDS.  Basically she answers the question, "What made me so different from all the other women in my religion?".  She shares more details and stories of her life in the cult.  Her overall message seems to be that it takes years to break free from the mind control of the FLDS.  But, little by little she was able to break free and overcome.  She also gives you an update on all of her children-whom you come to adore in reading both of these books.

I enjoyed reading both of these books.  More than anything it made me appreciate my role as a mother.  Carolyn was unable to show affection for her children while living in the cult-no praise, no hugging or kissing them.  So needless to say, I've been taking a few extra minutes here and there to savor the time I have with my babies.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kristyn's Kitchen

I love to cook.  But, during the summer I love to do other things and therefore I don't have lots of time to spend cooking and preparing meals.  My dear sister in law Stephanie was the inspiration behind some quick, delicious, and EASY pasta dinners.

I decided to stock my pantry/freezer with a variety of ingredients that I could have on hand to whip up some easy pasta dishes.  Here's my list of pasta staples:
  • Different varieties of pasta ( I purchased a bulk package of organic pasta from Costco which contained several different varieties.
  • Different varieties of sauce: marinara, Alfredo, pesto, etc.
  • A large jar of marinated artichoke hearts (Costco)
  • Roasted red peppers, olives, sun dried tomatoes, canned tomatoes (if fresh aren't available)
  • Variety of meats that you can freeze: ground beef, sausage, chicken, bacon, prosciutto, etc.
  • Variety of cheeses - bags of shredded cheese make things simple.  I usually stock up when they go on sale and freeze them.
Now you have a stockpile of the basics.  I recommend purchasing your favorite fresh/frozen veggies: onions, broccoli, spinach, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.  Or use whatever veggies you have on hand from your garden.  The beauty of this is you just throw together whatever sounds good or whatever you have on hand.
  1. Here's another trick I learned from Steph.  Use your crock pot to defrost/cook your meat.  If I'm using hamburger or sausage- I usually toss it in my crock pot about 2 hrs before we want to eat.  You can stir/crumble whenever you walk by or just wait until its completely cooked and then take a fork and crumble. 
  2. While meat is cooking/defrosting, cook your choice of pasta, drain, and set aside. 
  3. After my meat is cooked- I throw in whatever veggies I want.  You can cook them in your crock pot, or steam them on the side- whichever you prefer.
  4. Add your pasta to the crock pot or add your meat and veggies to your pasta pot.  Then I take about 1/2 of jar of sauce and combine to my pasta concoction.  I don't like too much sauce, but add however much you like. 
  5. Stir in any extra flavors/seasoning-such as garlic, Italian seasoning, etc.
  6. Depending on your method of cooking, you can: add your choice of cheese and finish baking it in the crock pot or transfer your pasta to a 9x13 pan and top it off with your choice of cheese and bake it off for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees. 
  7. Serve with salad and bread and voila you have dinner plus leftovers if you have a small family. 
Here are a few of my concoctions:
  1. Sausage, bacon, artichokes, red pepper, red onion, garlic, Italian seasoning, marinara sauce, penne pasta, and blend of Italian cheeses.
  2. Chicken, broccoli, zucchini, red onion( veggies steamed with sea salt, butter, and garlic), gemelli pasta, Alfredo sauce, and blend of Italian cheese.
  3. Sausage, artichokes, red onion, tomato, garlic, penne pasta, Alfredo sauce, and Italian cheese.
  4. So many possibilities- my hubby likes to see what I will come up with next.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Summer Reading List:

I am in a bookclub, but over the summer we took a break due to busy summer schedules.  I took the break as an opportunity and challenge to turn off the tv and catch up on some reading.  Here is my list:

1. “Triumph”- Carolyn Jessop-

2. “The Lovely Bones”-

3. “Shadow Rising”- Robert Jordan- check.  My brother in law Forrest and brother Rick got me hooked on this "Wheel of Time" Series.  I'm now on book 5.   I would recommend them to anyone that likes fantasy.  I never dreamed that I would acutally like reading this genre.

4. “The Secret Life of Bees”

5. “The Mermaid Chair” almost done.

6. “The Achlemist”- almost done

7. “The Handmaid’s Tale”

8. "Under the Dome" by Stephen King- this was our summer bookclub selection.  I read all 1100+ pages in less than 2 weeks (I borrowed it from the library).  This was my introduction to reading anything Mr. King.  The book is very intense and compelling- definately keeps you interested.  However, the ending fell way too flat in my opinion and it was a bit too violent for my taste.  However, I welcomed the challenge of reading something out of my comfort zone- that's what I love about bookclub.

9. “How to win friends and influence people” –Dale Carnegie

10. “Eat, pray, love” –Elizabeth Gilbert

11. “Love and Logic”- this is my parenting Bible.  I've actually read it, but I find that I need to refer back to it often for support and guidance.

12. ‘The Help”- Katherine Stockett
I want to know what books you are reading this summer?

Update on that Bucket List

Summer Bucket List:

1. Climb Table Rock- Check!  My sister in law climbed Table Rock early one morning.  It was a short, but intense hike.  The view of Boise was beautiful and peaceful especially that time of day.  I sprained my ankle the next day and have been unable to do much hiking since.

2. Play tennis- Check!  My husband bought rackets for all of us.  I definately need some major practice.   But it was alot of fun.  Can't wait to get back out on the court once my ankle heals.
3. Paint my daughter’s room-work in progress.

4. Landscape my back yard-work in progress.

5. Complete summer reading programs for myself and daughter-we have dropped the ball on this one a little.

6. Go to South Carolina-leave in a week.

7. Go to a Hawks Baseball game

8. Attend a summer concert with my husband

9. Go to the Shakespeare Festival-Check!  Some of my girlfriends watched "An Ideal Husband".  The play was okay, the company and food were fantastic.

10. Ride my bike on the Green Belt

11. Go to the drive-in theater with my family-Check!  We watched "Ironman 2"-disappointing and "Shrek Forever"- the whole family fell asleep for this one. ;)

12. Meridian Dairy Days Parade-Check! We had a blast with cousins watching the parade.  This is seriously the longest parade in Idaho.

13. Run a 5k

14. Camp-out with my family

15. Go to the Western Idaho Fair

16. Swim lessons for my daughter

17. Take my daughter to Starlight Mountain Theater

18. Lay out in the sun in my backyard and catch up reading all of my magazines. Check!  I so enjoyed that day.

19. Visit Eagle Island State Park

20. Visit Sandy Point Beach- Check!  The kids loved playing in the water and the sand.  Kya loves to lay on her float and just drift around in the water.

21. Have a girls night out or in.

22. Grow my garden-work in progress.  Although, I don't know what's up, but my garden isn't doing so great this year.

23. Host a “Swap and Talk” with friends

24. Host Award BBQ for “Better Me Challenge”

25. Make homemade jam.

26. Visit Emmett, ID and pick Cherries-check.  We went to the Cherry Festival, although we didn't get to pick any cherries.

27. Visit Syracuse Days-Check!  We almost didn't go due to unforseen circumstances.  But then Kaitlyn let me know that I was a "crappy mom" who always let work come first.  Needless to say, we packed up first thing on a Saturday morning and surprised my Mom and Dad.  My sister-in-law Kresta hooked the girls up with "VIP" passes to the carnival.  It was a short, but sweet visit.

28. Learn to fly fish

29. Go on 5 hikes around the Boise area

30. Have a garage sale

31. Dejunk and simplify my house so I don’t waste time managing “stuff”. -work in progress.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List:

1. Climb Table Rock
2. Play tennis
3. Paint my daughter’s room
4. Landscape my back yard
5. Complete summer reading programs for myself and daughter
6. Go to South Carolina
7. Go to a Hawks Baseball game
8. Attend a summer concert with my husband
9. Go to the Shakespeare Festival
10. Ride my bike on the Green Belt
11. Go to the drive-in theater with my family
12. Meridian Dairy Days Parade
13. Run a 5k
14. Camp-out with my family
15. Go to the Western Idaho Fair
16. Swim lessons for my daughter
17. Take my daughter to Starlight Mountain Theater
18. Lay out in the sun in my backyard and catch up reading all of my magazines.
19. Visit Eagle Island State Park
20. Visit Sandy Point Beach
21. Have a girls night out or in.
22. Grow my garden
23. Host a “Swap and Talk” with friends
24. Host Award BBQ for “Better Me Challenge”
25. Make homemade jam.
26. Visit Emmett, ID and pick Cherries
27. Visit Syracuse Days
28. Learn to fly fish
29. Go on 5 hikes around the Boise area
30. Have a garage sale
31. Dejunk and simplify my house so I don’t waste time managing “stuff”.