Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Better Me Challenge Update

My 8 weeks to a "Better Me Challenge" has ended with me taking 3rd place.  My super competitive sister-in-law Steph and her husband won 1st and 2nd place with only 1 point in between the 2.  If I were her husband I might demand a recount of her points, but then he'd probably find himself in the doghouse. 

I really learned a lot from this challenge.  I was disappointed because I didn't lose any weight.  In fact, I don't believe any of the female participants noted any significant weight loss.  The 2 guys that competed did loose several pounds.  (It is so not fair that men can lose weight faster than women).  In any case, I did tone up a bit. My overall cardio improved- I can definitely run and exercise for longer period of times.  I was also able to improve my minute per mile by over 3 minutes.  I was really bad out of shape prior to this challenge.  I really learned to balance my eating habits... making sure I ate enough fruits and vegetables, drinking lots and lots of water, and not breaking down for a late-night snack.  When I did decide to "lose a point" I had to weigh by options of "was that treat worth losing a point?" or "do I really want a Dr. Pepper today?", and if so "I guess I will have to follow through on the rest of my goals for the day".  The competition against others was also helpful.  It helped me stay motivated through-out the challenge.  And having to pay money to participate was another  great motivator because I actually had something besides time invested into the challenge. 

We have decided to turn this into an annual challenge.  We will be having a reward BBQ for everyone that participated.  I look forward to eating a lot of treats that were otherwise absent from my life for the last couple months.

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